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Wednesday, August 24, 2005 

I fear my Lutheran Church is straying

Today, I went to see Fr. K of the local Catholic Church. I fear that my Lutheran Church is going down a path that I cannot follow. I will explain this in future entries. Fr. K was very understanding. He understands my concerns. His is genuinely interested in me as a person, and not just the idea of adding another person to his parish.

This meeting has been very comforting. If I am correct, I will soon need to leave my church home.


Great Blog. Am myself a confirmed Lutheran that has decided to raise our family Roman Catholic for many of the same reasons that your appear to have encountered. Before making the decision I emailed friends in Germany after seeing a televised speech from the Lutheran Bishop of Berlin on Deutsche Welle and was seeing him as a leaf blowing with the wind of secular values - the response was that the Lutheran church in Germany stopped peaching the gospel sometime ago and is essentially simply a social club. Sadly I was beginning to experience the same stateside, there became too many compromises. Glad to see that I am not alone and am very happy with what I've experienced in the Roman Catholic Church to date, started the process in October and hope to partake in the Eucharist after Lent. Did you have to do a convalidation of your marriage and as a confirmed Lutheran must one attend RCIA? Our group has been very interesting, yet am curious about entire groups that may be moving en masse in the future. The Church of Peter feels very much like a strong rock to me now and you should know that you are not alone and your site is apprecaited.

you've put a calling in to action. Well done :)

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