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Wednesday, December 14, 2005 


Last night, I went to Perpetual Adoration with Dan, who is a close friend and member of my men's prayer group. He generally goes at 10 pm on the second Tuesday of the month. I go with him most of the time, and have for over a year. During Lent last year, we went every Tuesday night and Ken joined us.

I prayed a Rosary (the joyous mysteries seemed appropriate for Christmas), lit a candle for all those I am praying for, and read several more pages from the catechism in preparation for our upcoming meeting with Fr. K this Saturday night.

Lori went to adoration earlier today. She's really getting into this, and I'm glad.


Adoration is the coolest way to spend time with Jesus. you take a book or you do not...you journal or you do not...you sit in contemplation, just you and He, regardless of how many other worshippers are around.

larry, for someone venturing into the faith, i think you really *get* it, and that is really a cool thing.

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