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Saturday, December 24, 2005 

Christmas Eve - Thank you to my readers

As I reflect on what I have written, I am encouraged to continue by those of you who have left comments or sent emails. They are appreciated. As I have stated, I have more than one purpose in writing this log. In addition to creating a written account of my conversion for myself, my family and friends, I am hopeful that this log will help others who may be converting or considering it. Perhaps my experience will be an inspiration to another Christian, or will help give some insight into the process of adult confirmation into the Catholic Church.

I thank all of you who have read these words, and I thank you who have made your presence known to me. It is a comfort.


Merry Christmas, larry!

if you visit my blog, on my sidebar, i have a space for friends i have met who are on the road to Rome...i'm a convert of 10 yeas myself :) this Easter will mark my 11th year with the Church, and it happens to fall on my birthday and the Pope's birthday, who knew? but this post wasn't about me, it's about you --

go check out my sidebar so you can hook into others who are also on the same road you are, there is security in others crossing the Tiber with you - owen, kevin, anabel - they are all wonderful people who would probably delight in your experiences as well.

peace be with you and yours and yes, keep writing - i have you on my bloglines so i may be the first responder in many instances since i know right away when you post :)

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