A new year begins, this time - we're Catholic
New Year's Eve was quiet for us. Personally, I'm not a big fan of it. But we did go out to see a movie. On New Year's Day, we were at 9:00 am Mass.
I spent much of the day reading and relaxing. I am now nearly finished reading the catechism - way ahead of schedule. I should finish my reading tomorrow. Actually, I have learned as much from internet sources as I have from reading the catechism. Reading both was necessary for me.
Since New Year's Day is on a Sunday, we had our men's group tonight. Ken and Tom are out of town, but Dale, Dan and I were there. Dale and I went to adoration afterward. We prayed a rosary together and I kept reading from my catechism.
We meet with Fr. K this coming Saturday. I look forward to it.
I spent much of the day reading and relaxing. I am now nearly finished reading the catechism - way ahead of schedule. I should finish my reading tomorrow. Actually, I have learned as much from internet sources as I have from reading the catechism. Reading both was necessary for me.
Since New Year's Day is on a Sunday, we had our men's group tonight. Ken and Tom are out of town, but Dale, Dan and I were there. Dale and I went to adoration afterward. We prayed a rosary together and I kept reading from my catechism.
We meet with Fr. K this coming Saturday. I look forward to it.
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