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Sunday, January 08, 2006 

Our fifth meeting with Father

Last night marked our fifth meeting with Fr. K. We had a nice dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and home-baked rolls. We enjoyed about 2 1/2 hours of conversation. Our conversation centered on the catechism up to the fifth commandment. Fr. K answered our questions; as usual we leaned much.

We are going on a one-day retreat to a local retreat center on February 4. The kids will get some extra instruction prior to their First Communion, and we adults will finish with the catechism and prepare for our confirmation. Since this will be an all-day retreat, I'm sure we'll get a lot out of it.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Our confirmation Mass is set for February 18. We've already started inviting friends and family.


I still don't understand why you and your wife want to be Catholics?

Congratulations! I have to wait until Easter, and can hardly wait. May it be a truly blessed day for you and your family.

Thank you all for leaving messages. To anonymous, I shall try to better explain myself in future posts.

I have enjoyed reading your blog. When I get a chance, I will email you with a list of wonderful books ... some are written by former protestant clergy who joined the Catholic Church. I haven't figured out how to join yet, so I will post under "anonymous" -- but this is Harvie Ruth from the Crosswalk Forum. God Bless and Peace be with you!!!!

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